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Perspectives on the 9th August Outages

The blackout event of Monday 9th August caused a huge amount of negative publicity for the electricity market, but let’s take a closer look at some interesting aspects of this event.

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Updated: Energy Trendz Daily 9 August 2021 (Interim)

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Electricity Contract Indexes July, Issue 148

The main index rose this month, but it does look like the market is at a peak, and the CFD index actually dropped like a stone this month, though this was on only one CFD contract that could be included in the indexes. Read More
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Is the Gas Market Working for Consumers?

The Gas Industry Company (GIC) recently released a consultation paper on gas market settings and whether these are fit for the purpose of helping New Zealand through the transition to low-carbon energy. Somewhat belatedly, here are my thoughts. \

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Electricity Contract Indexes June 2021, Issue 147

There were 7 contracts traded that were eligible to include in the index calculations this month, which was a step up from last month which had only 3 contracts. Read More
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Electricity Contract Indexes May 2021, Issue 146

There were only 3 contracts traded that were eligible to include in the index calculations this month, following the trend in April of low volumes of trading. Read More
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Our LCOE Calculator Works Out the Cost of New Generation

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Hedging Fundamentals Part 4

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Electricity Contract Price Increases?

Electricity contract prices have risen, and could rise further. Every month we publish the electricity contract index, but I thought it's instructive to delve deeper into the underlying contract data.

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Hedging Fundamentals Part 3

In New Zealand the contract-for-differences (aka CFD) is the most common off-exchange method for hedging the price of electricity traded on the wholesale market for a specified quantity and time period. In other words, the CFD is a fundamental tool in the hedging toolbox.

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