
PP WindTurbine 03

Of twists and turns and the meaning of Tiwai

We talk about the Tiwai Pt aluminium smelter almost every day at work – will it stay, or will it go? But it occurred to me today that I have absolutely no idea what Tiwai means in Te Reo Māori. I went searching, and was surprised at what I found.

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PP WindTurbine 03

New Option Contract: Cap 300

A new hedge contract started trading in September 2020. It’s a cap product with strike price of $300/MWh. Over 320 of these contracts traded so far, but we still don’t know who is selling them.

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PP WindTurbine 03

Electricity Contract Indexes September, Issue 150

The main index continued its fall this month, as did both the FPVV and CFD indexes. The traded volumes in the indexes were relatively low again this month, perhaps as a result of lockdowns, but this may be pure coincidence.\
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PP WindTurbine 03

Price Formation with 100% Renewable Electricity

This week Greg Sise provides a summary of his presentation on the problem of price formation with 100% renewable electricity, which he presented at the the Electricity Authority’s Market Development Advisory Group (MDAG) recently.

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PP WindTurbine 03

Energy Link’s 25th Anniversary

Thursday of last week, 2nd September, marked the 25th anniversary of Energy Link Ltd. This post is a reflection on company and personal history, against a backdrop of an industry in transition. Over the last 25 years, it’s fair to say that some things have changed, but then some things have not.

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PP WindTurbine 03

Hedging Fundamentals Part 5 - The role of forecasting in hedging

Forecasts of spot prices are an important tool in the hedging toolkit, and this post provides an overview of the role of forecasts in hedging.

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PP WindTurbine 03

Electricity Contract Indexes August, Issue 149

The main index fell this month, as we expected it would.\
But there were only three contracts to include in the indexes, one each for CFD and FPVV, which is unusual, but not unprecedented. Read More
PP WindTurbine 03

Contract Indexes August, Issue 149

The main index fell this month, as we expected it would. But there were only two contracts to include in the indexes, one each for CFD and FPVV, which is unusual, but not unprecedented.

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PP WindTurbine 03

Perspectives on the 9th August Outages

The blackout event of Monday 9th August caused a huge amount of negative publicity for the electricity market, but let’s take a closer look at some interesting aspects of this event.

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PP WindTurbine 03

Updated: Energy Trendz Daily 9 August 2021 (Interim)

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