
PP WindTurbine 03

100% Renewables Submission

The Electricity Authority’s Market Development Group (MDAG) recently consulted on the initial phase of its investigation into price formation, with 100% renewable generation in our energy-only market. Energy Link contributed to this work and has also submitted.

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Electricity Contract Indexes March 2022, Issue 156

The CFD index pushed up again this month, toward the ASX three-year average, but the FPVV index went down slightly on a greater volume (relative to CFDs). So overall, the main index rose by 1.8% to 11.3 c/kWh. Read More
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Nodal Spreads in ASX Futures Prices

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Price Path Emissions

As we make the transition to net-zero carbon, it’s always interesting see forecasts of emissions in the future. Every time we run our quarterly long-term forecast, the ‘Price Path’, we get updated forecasts of how emissions might change in the electricity sector.

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Electricity Contract Indexes February 2022, Issue 155

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Electricity Contract Indexes January 2022, Issue 154

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Wholesale Market Review

The frequency of blog posts fell off last year after October as we found ourselves in an early Christmas rush period. We hope to be more consistent this year. First up, our submission on the Electricity Authority’s wholesale market review.

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PP WindTurbine 03

Electricity Contract Indexes December 2021, Issue 153

CFD index went down, FPVV index went up, so no change to the overall index this month, which stayed at 11.1 c/kWh ($111/MWh) Read More
PP WindTurbine 03

Electricity Contract Indexes November 2021, Issue 152

The main index fell by 7.6% this month, mainly the result of a fall in the FPVV sub-index. This month the data showed six new long-term contracts of ten year terms, following on from the three that appeared last month. Read More
PP WindTurbine 03

Electricity Contract Indexes October, Issue 151

The main index rose this month as buyng pressure came back into the futures market. Three large CFDs are excluded from the indexes because they are ten years in length or more, and therefore are exempt from price disclosure under the Electricity Industry Participation Code. Read More

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