Covid-19 Business Continuity

Energy Link is working as normal, from home, during the Alert Level 4 lock-down, while we all get the virus under control.  Contact us as normal, via email landline or mobile.  That’s really all you need to know, but more details are in the blog.

By Greg Sise, 23rd March 2020

As of this morning, we are all set up at home to keep Energy Link running as normal during the current lock-down, and for longer if we revert to Alert Level 3 after the lock-down. 

The only service we cannot provide currently is training with your presenter, me, physically with you in the room, which is the way we have run training since the first course was held at the James Cook Hotel in Wellington in July 1997.  (Update 21st Aprilk 2020 - we will be offering online versions of some or all courses until such time as I can present in person.  Details will be on our Training page soon.)

As it happens, over the last year we’ve worked through a process of improving our preparedness for disasters and for business continuity.  Long before covid-19 hit the news, we had decided to move our servers off-site, and this is scheduled to happen later this week.  They will be housed in a secure datacentre, the old Telecom exchange building in Dunedin, which now houses Spark infrastructure and a datacentre operated by Spark subsidiary CCL (Computer Concepts Ltd).  Our backups will be stored in CCL’s Christchurch datacentre and be held for seven years (it will be so good not having to do our own backups anymore!).

CCL assures us that the switch to the new servers is in hand and will go smoothly, but we can’t rule out the possibility of minor interruptions.

Meanwhile, all of us are at home working on our laptops, with remote access to the workstations in our office on which we run simulations, forecasts, queries and the like, and access to our servers of course.

We have a Zoom account, so video meetings are a cinch to set up:  just let us know and we can send you an invite to a Zoom meeting.